We have teams in several locations in Senegal. They are living among the population and their aim is to be ambassadors for Christ, showing his love and concern for all people, regardless of age, culture, status or past experiences. We want to see these people worshipping Christ in way that is relevant to their culture.
North-East of Senegal
A new team has settled in 2023 in a Fulani village of the North-East of Senegal. The people there live mainly from cattle farming. The team is learning the Pulaar language and getting more and more involved in the community life, sharing the good news of Jesus in different ways. They have started to work in agriculture, healthcare and a kids’ club. They would like to expand in whatever way possible including sports, music and water projects. The team is very open to receiving new workers.
River Valley
WEC Senegal worked alongside the Senegal River from the 1980s until 2015, in Wolof, Fulani and Moor areas. By then, we had run out of workers in the area. But in 2023, we were able to reinstall a small team. At the moment, they are learning Hassanya (language of the Moors) and building relationships with the population. With the gifts that God has given them, they hope to serve the families of the Moor villages. They relentlessly pray to receive new workers, single men or women, couples or families, with a servant heart and a desire to share God’s love with the community.
Fuladou area (South-East of Senegal)
The Fuladou area was the first place where WEC started to work in Senegal, in 1936! The work started in the Fulakunda villages, in 1996 they started in some Soninke villages and in 2010 in some Fula Futa villages. At the moment, we have no more team in the Fuladou, but some of our workers go regularly into the area to visit their friends and run different projects in the villages where they were living. We are eager to re-establish a team in the region, where the word of God has been abundantly sown for almost a century.
Dakar and Thiès regions
Fula Center Community:
Community is very important for Fula people. They usually live in large families but those following Jesus will often lose this community around them as they’re no longer welcome to be part of it. As a community of believers, the Fula Community & discipleship ministry want to meet these needs and be:
- an oasis – for believers to have a retreat
- a refuge – to stay if persecuted and thrown out from their homes
- a house of prayer – for Fula believers and seekers
- a farming community – where they can farm to sustain themselves and their families, where we can walk alongside them to encourage them in their faith and where they can feel fully Fula at the same time as fully a believer in Jesus

Yoonu Jàmm – Path of Peace:
This project aims to reach out to young people living on the streets. We want to give them shelter, education and professional guidance, but also walk alongside them to help them heal from their traumas. They are often disappointed and hopeless. By sharing the hope Jesus gives, we want to help them embrace the peace plans God has for them. We are open to receiving teachers, dorm parents, psychologists, educators and anyone with a passion for street boys.
Wolof calendars:
The Wolof Calendars Project has started in 2011. Every year, a calendar is created, with Bible verses in Wolof and in French. Each year around 3000 copies are being printed and distributed in Senegal and beyond. The goal is to whet the appetites of those reading the verses to make them interested in reading more of God’s Word. An application with the same verses is also available. New team members are welcome!